Monday, August 29, 2016

NFL Preseason week 3


Let me start this blog by saying, (bragging:) I called the Tony Romo injury a few days before it happened.  If we were in Las Vegas gambling, I'm sure the odds on that bet would be 50/50 or worse in favor of the injury.  Tony Romo may have actually done the Dallas Cowboys a favor by revealing the inevitable fate of his Cowboy future.  This obviously allows the "Red Hot Rookie" Dak Prescott to take the reins earlier in the season due to injury then skeptics originally expected.  The mid season chuckle that we have to wait for is when Romo comes back to a 6 and 2 Cowboys team which will make him officially the highest paid cheerleader in the league.

One of the interesting games that I caught on NFL Network during their preseason coverage was the New England Patriots and Chicago Bears game.  Surely I wasn't the only person who watched the game on the TV considering the Patriots starting quarterback Tom Brady also missed the game due to a minor paper cut allegedly caused by scissors.  After seeing the damage, I personally came to the conclusion that it was self inflicted by Brady so he could miss the game.  This "in my opinion" was an attempt to send a silent middle finger to the NFL for the "deflategate" suspension that was upheld in the highest court.  I thought the highlight of that game however was Howie Long's sons Kyle Long (Chicago Bears) and Chris Long (New England Patriots) playing in the same game against each other.

While remaining on the brother theme, here's a pair of brothers that have reached some real milestones in their coaching career.  Twin sons of Buddy Ryan, Rex Ryan and Rob Ryan are now on the coaching staff payroll together for the Buffalo Bills.  Rex (who has lost some serious weight) found some early success with the New York Jets and has now landed the Head Coach position with the Buffalo Bills.  Rob Ryan however has bounced around the NFL a little more than his brother from running the defense of Cowboys to the Saints and now the Bills.  This is another story that I think will be interesting as the Bills face an 8 and 8 "Black Monday".

Original blog can be found at:

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